Original: Hürriyet Arama Mobil
Question: You seem like the crazy type. What was your childhood like?
Answer: My dad had a plate collection. I grew up listening to bands like Beatles, Led Zeplin from his collection. Also, at the same time I started working at such a young age. At the age of 2 I started acting and the following years I did some modelling.
Q: How was it that you became an actor at the age of 2?
A: From that early on I’ve had contract with a modelling agency. It first started with commercials and then acting followed. I was in a movie with Jim Carrey when I was 5.
Q: Have you attended any acting courses?
A: No I haven’t. But I have been doing this for so long- you get to learn the ropes on your own.
Q: Your characther on Gossip Girl, Jenny Humphrey, used to be more of a timid and quiet girl and then she broke free and became a rebel. With you, we also got to know you as a naive girl who now is a rock star with edgy style. It is not so off to assume there are similarities?
A: I don’t think we are similar. But Jenny was the youngest character on the show, thus she was the one to go through more changes than others. As seasons passed, the writers have started to make adjustments to her character little by little. But at the end, Jenny’s come to resemble me more, when you compare it with the begining of the series.
Q: There were rumours about you leaving the show, for a Jenny-spin off.
A: Really, never heard of it. But who knows?
Q: Some people believe you used Gossip Girl as a means to get your real dream which is your music career. Is that true?
A: There is no such thing. Music has always been my true passion, my priority. I have always sang but the difference now more people get to listen to it. That’s pretty much it.
Q: Being a star of a teen show, we were expecting you to have pop music career, like your co-star. You kinda surprised us there.
A: But I never gave a thought to pop music. Its always been rock in my entire life, and I only composed rock music.
Q: Your make up on the music video of ‘Make Me Wanna Die’, how you stripted down was a hit topic all around the world. Was it all a pack to serve a certain image or your true dream?
A: When you are on the show, you act like a character. Everyone thinks you are the same person. However with music it is different. It’s real me. Taylor on the video is the real me.
Q: So dark eye make up, and cigarettes you hang onto pretty much on every other photo are must for you?
A: Well not tonight (laughs) I wanted to try something different, wore a dress a bit longer than usual. A different make up- not as dark as I would go for so it kinda feels weird.
Q: Is this change specifically for Istanbul?
A: No, I felt like it so got into this style.
Q: So your latest bomb…when you flashed your boobs at a concert?!
A: Yeah (laughs) but everyone put bandages on pictures so it made it look worse than what it was. As if it were all out there.
Q: If you perform little shows like these, then you must find yourself to be sexy?
A: Actually, I never thought about that. I just like the fashion. If others find this particular style sexy, I don’t know about that. It is just my style.
Q: Even though you are so young, your style and make up give you a vibe as if you are a grown woman who has been through some. Is that really so?
A: True. I have been working for 15 years. I have been through a lot, had tons of experiences. But everyday I try to learn new things.
Q: Did you really say “I dress up like a High Class hooker and I’m proud of it”?
A: They told me I dressed up like a hooker and I said at high class hooker at that. I am rather a sarcastic person and I don’t take such comments seriously.
Q: When my male friends heard I’m interviewing with you, they went crazy and wanted to know how men can attract you?
A: I guess it’s tough. But honestly I don’t know. I’m not looking for love (laughs)
Q: What are you like when you fall in love?
A: I don’t have a boyfriend. I’m a bit shy actually. A romantic girl!
Q: And the rumours that your attitude on set caused a riff between you, and the producers of the show, Gossip Girl?
A: It’s complete bs. I’m stil definitely on the show. Please don’t buy the crap of the magazines. Normally, I don’t even feel need to address these rumours.
Q: Tell me something, your Turkish fans will be shocked to find out about you…
A: (asks for help from friends around) I love handcraft. I collect useless cloth and make rag babies? With them. I actually have a collection of them!
Q: You totally amused me! I was expecting someone who only drinks&smokes, travels around all the time!
A: Not at all. Actually I’m always working, always on the stage. People don’t know that much.
About her future:
Madonna picked me as the face of her collection. On the first day of shooting I worked with her and her daughter. I could do fashion shoots after this but what I really want to do is to be able to make albums until my last dying breath. Of course in the future, I also would like to marry and have kids some time.
Question: You seem like the crazy type. What was your childhood like?
Answer: My dad had a plate collection. I grew up listening to bands like Beatles, Led Zeplin from his collection. Also, at the same time I started working at such a young age. At the age of 2 I started acting and the following years I did some modelling.
Q: How was it that you became an actor at the age of 2?
A: From that early on I’ve had contract with a modelling agency. It first started with commercials and then acting followed. I was in a movie with Jim Carrey when I was 5.
Q: Have you attended any acting courses?
A: No I haven’t. But I have been doing this for so long- you get to learn the ropes on your own.
Q: Your characther on Gossip Girl, Jenny Humphrey, used to be more of a timid and quiet girl and then she broke free and became a rebel. With you, we also got to know you as a naive girl who now is a rock star with edgy style. It is not so off to assume there are similarities?
A: I don’t think we are similar. But Jenny was the youngest character on the show, thus she was the one to go through more changes than others. As seasons passed, the writers have started to make adjustments to her character little by little. But at the end, Jenny’s come to resemble me more, when you compare it with the begining of the series.
Q: There were rumours about you leaving the show, for a Jenny-spin off.
A: Really, never heard of it. But who knows?
Q: Some people believe you used Gossip Girl as a means to get your real dream which is your music career. Is that true?
A: There is no such thing. Music has always been my true passion, my priority. I have always sang but the difference now more people get to listen to it. That’s pretty much it.
Q: Being a star of a teen show, we were expecting you to have pop music career, like your co-star. You kinda surprised us there.
A: But I never gave a thought to pop music. Its always been rock in my entire life, and I only composed rock music.
Q: Your make up on the music video of ‘Make Me Wanna Die’, how you stripted down was a hit topic all around the world. Was it all a pack to serve a certain image or your true dream?
A: When you are on the show, you act like a character. Everyone thinks you are the same person. However with music it is different. It’s real me. Taylor on the video is the real me.
Q: So dark eye make up, and cigarettes you hang onto pretty much on every other photo are must for you?
A: Well not tonight (laughs) I wanted to try something different, wore a dress a bit longer than usual. A different make up- not as dark as I would go for so it kinda feels weird.
Q: Is this change specifically for Istanbul?
A: No, I felt like it so got into this style.
Q: So your latest bomb…when you flashed your boobs at a concert?!
A: Yeah (laughs) but everyone put bandages on pictures so it made it look worse than what it was. As if it were all out there.
Q: If you perform little shows like these, then you must find yourself to be sexy?
A: Actually, I never thought about that. I just like the fashion. If others find this particular style sexy, I don’t know about that. It is just my style.
Q: Even though you are so young, your style and make up give you a vibe as if you are a grown woman who has been through some. Is that really so?
A: True. I have been working for 15 years. I have been through a lot, had tons of experiences. But everyday I try to learn new things.
Q: Did you really say “I dress up like a High Class hooker and I’m proud of it”?
A: They told me I dressed up like a hooker and I said at high class hooker at that. I am rather a sarcastic person and I don’t take such comments seriously.
Q: When my male friends heard I’m interviewing with you, they went crazy and wanted to know how men can attract you?
A: I guess it’s tough. But honestly I don’t know. I’m not looking for love (laughs)
Q: What are you like when you fall in love?
A: I don’t have a boyfriend. I’m a bit shy actually. A romantic girl!
Q: And the rumours that your attitude on set caused a riff between you, and the producers of the show, Gossip Girl?
A: It’s complete bs. I’m stil definitely on the show. Please don’t buy the crap of the magazines. Normally, I don’t even feel need to address these rumours.
Q: Tell me something, your Turkish fans will be shocked to find out about you…
A: (asks for help from friends around) I love handcraft. I collect useless cloth and make rag babies? With them. I actually have a collection of them!
Q: You totally amused me! I was expecting someone who only drinks&smokes, travels around all the time!
A: Not at all. Actually I’m always working, always on the stage. People don’t know that much.
About her future:
Madonna picked me as the face of her collection. On the first day of shooting I worked with her and her daughter. I could do fashion shoots after this but what I really want to do is to be able to make albums until my last dying breath. Of course in the future, I also would like to marry and have kids some time.
via fanforum.com
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