Sunday, January 2, 2011

Jenny Humphfrey's 20 Best Looks - picked by me

We all loved Jenny Humphfrey, Taylor's character in Gossip Girl, even because she has an amazing style! Here below there is my personal Top 20 of Jenny's Best Looks! Enjoy and hit the comments to share your opinion!
# 20
3x22 "Last Tango, then Paris"

3x04 "Rufus Getting Married"

3x07 "The Grandfather: Part II"

3x21 "Ex-Husbands and Wives"

3x01 "Reversals of Fortune"

3x17 "Inglourious Bassterds"

3x07 "How to Succeed in Bassness"

3x19 "Dr. Estrangeloved"

3x12 "The Debarted"

3x13 "The Hurt Locket"

3x14 "The Lady Vanished"

3x03 "The Lost Boy"

3x12 "The Debarted"

3x09 "They Shoot Humphreys, Don't They?"
3x09 "They Shoot Humphreys, Don't They?"

4x06 "Easy J"
3x21 "Ex-Husbands and Wives"

3x20 "It’s a Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad World"

3x18 "The Unblairable Lightness of Being"

3x09 "They Shoot Humphreys, Don't They?"


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